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JMS / Only once a year event. Especially for woman.

執筆者の写真: MedilatorMedilator

For foreigners living in Japan (日本語は下部) It's pink ribbon event. You can take breast cancer screening on Sunday. This year's date is Oct 18th.

According to a 2010 survey by the National Cancer Center,

1/12 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime,

and if found early, more than 90% will be cured.

Breast cancer is a disease that, if found early, is likely to be cured.

Breast cancer is said to occur in men as well, and the annual death toll is less than 1/100 that of women's breast cancer.

From Vital Statistics 2018 (edited by the Ministry of Health), 14,653 people have died of breast cancer in Japan.

<Advantages (depends on the hospital)> ①Cheaper than usual ②Female doctors and female laboratory technicians are on duty ③Sunday event ④Because of medical checkup, conversations between medical staff are usually less.

<Reference price> ・JR Tokyo General Hospital (Shinjuku) Echo and mammography ¥10,000

You can choose either mammography or/and echo. Some hospitals provide palpation. ・If you are over 20 years old, we recommend you to take breast cancer screening once a year. ・If you are under 40 years old, we recommend to take echo (and mammography). ・If you are over 40 years old, we recommend to take echo and mammography.

★Reservation Support★ ¥2,000(incl. tax) *We search hospital which is near from your house, and make a reservation for you. If we couldn't make a reservation, (Ex: full of reservation, not supporting foreigners, etc.) there's no charge.

★Translation Support★ ¥15,000 (Online translation including reservation) ¥25,000 (Attend support including reservation)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Aroma Nursing Care Co., Ltd. 7-13-6 2F Ginza Chuo-ku TEL: 03-4400-2866 (only Japanese) E-mail: Business hours:Weekday 9am to 5pm *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

【JMS乳がん検診が日曜日に受けられる(年1回のイベント)】 ピンクリボン(乳がん啓発活動)のイベントです。 今年は2020/10/18です。予約もうまりつつあるようです。 お見逃しなく! 





<JMSメリット(医療機関により異なります)> ①通常より安い ②女性医師や女性技師のみの対応 ③日曜日に受診できる ④健診なので医療スタッフの方とは少ないコミュニケーションですみます。

<参考価格> ・JR東京総合病院 マンモグラフィー+エコー ¥10,000

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* アロマ看護ケア株式会社 東京都中央区銀座7-13-6 2階 TEL : 03-4400-2866 営業時間:平日9:00~17:00 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*





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