Medical Translator
-Multilingual Nurses have at least 2 licenses, for example Japanese and Chinese Nurse licenses. They are suitable for giving medical advice.
-Medical Interpreters do not have nurse licenses, but they have Japanese diploma of N1 level (top level).
Whenever you have to see a doctor in Japan, our bilingual nurses will support you by English, Chinese, Korean, or Burmese.
If you need medical advice, we are happy to answer any time we are here for you.
High level multilingual nurses
We, as nurses, know the patient's anxiety.
We know how you feel when you are in a foreign country and having to see a doctor that speaks foreign language.
Most of our nurses have experience living in abroad.
If you need a second opinion with our high level doctors, we will manage the meeting time.
You may meet our doctors by Google Meet (online).
You can find more details at "Medical Treatment".
(日本語は下部) Hello, I am Aya Nagasugi CEO of Ambi Co., Ltd. We provide private nursing service and medical translating service. I started this business because I wanted to help people who need high quality medical translating service. When I worked as a flight attendant for Lufthansa German Airline, I helped with interpreting between doctor and passenger, my colleague and a Japanese hospital. But since I didn't learn medical words in English, it was hard for me to tell symptoms in German, English,
Hi, I am Ruri, a registered nurse both in Japan and Australia. I came to Australia 8 years ago after having worked in Japan for 3 years (surgical/oncology/ ICU/ palliative ward). I have been enjoying working in a hospice (as a palliative nurse) and at an specialised advanced dementia unit as an Australian qualified nurse. My passion to cherish individuals’ lives and their stories behind, while providing holistic care and support to patients and their families! I am also a mindful meditation inst
Hello! I graduated from Kagawa university medical school and practiced internal medicine for 5 years and general surgery for 15 years. And working as a breast oncologist right now. Other than this academic history, I finished an MBA in an international graduate school in the U.S. Hobbies: Running, Skiing, Listening to music (EDM and Classics) and cooking・・・
I speak Chinese, Japanese, and little bit of English. I have both Japanese and Chinese nurse licenses. I worked as a nurse in China for 3 years and as Japanese nurse for 3 years. Department was Dialysis. 私は中国と日本の看護師を3年間ずつ経験しております。中国からの患者様も多く、施術方法や患者様の要望を的確に伝える事が私の強みでございます。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 本人出身于中国南京,护理学本科,曾就职于南京血液中心,2015年来日本学习并取得日本护士职业证书,在日本透析室工作三年后现就职于一家植发医院,由于来日本手术的客人较多,除了日常的护士工作也会担任翻译的工作,我的优势在于相对于一般翻译我比较熟悉日本医院的环境,跟日本的医生护士还有医疗专业用语接触比较多,我相信我能够很好的起到一个桥梁的作用,很高兴在日本遇到您并且为您服务。
I've had worked at pediatrics, clinic, and as assistant nurse in Australia. I had lived U.S., Austria, and Australia. It helps me to know what the foreigners’ needs on a daily basis and also medical care. When you are sick or need further care in foreign countries, I believe you need further assistant or care. I hope to see you and assist you to have comfortable days in Japan. 看護師として小児科病棟勤務経験を経て、クリニックで通訳を勤務しておりました。海外生活の中で言葉の壁や文化・医療制度の違いに戸惑う事が多く、日本在住の外国人が、少しでも安心して必要な医療を受けられるようお手伝いさせて頂きたいと思っております。
大学在学中に独学で日本語を学び、日本語能力試験N1を取得しました。南京市赤十字血液センターで勤務の後、2012年来日。日本の看護師免許を収得し、日本の病院は7年間勤務しました。 近年中国では、日本の医療サービスの需要が高まっています。人間ドック、整体、美容など。患者様の情報は正しく伝え、ドクターの説明はよりわかりやすくお伝えします。健康に不安をお持ちの方、是非ご相談ください。 出身于中国南京市, 毕业于南京医科大学护理专业。大学期间自学日语,并取得了日语能力1级。大学毕业后就职于南京市红十字血液中心两年。想把自己掌握的日语能够有所发挥,2012年来日,经过一年的学习获得日本护士执照在日本的医院工作了7年。最近来日本旅游的中国观光客不仅对日本的风景、美食、文化,对日本的各种服务也非常的感兴趣。其中,接受医疗服务非常的有人气。在日本进行的体检、美容、整体等一系列与医疗有关的服务时当然需要医疗翻译。对于能自如使用中文和日文的我来说,是非常合适的工作。同时,因为懂得专业知识,比普通的翻译能够更加准确的向医生传递利用者的信息,能够通俗易懂的向利用者解释医生的说明。通过能够安心安逸的接受医疗服务,
I speak Chinese, Japanese and little bit of English.I have Chinese and Japanese nurse licence. If you are interested to Japanese Beauty medical treatment, I can recommend you from many beauty menu. Hope to see you soon. こんにちは。私はオウと申します。おっとりタイプです。日本と中国の看護師資格を保有しております。 美容系の治療は何でもご相談ください。 您好。我是小王,性格比较落落大方。 拥有中国和日本护士执照。 美容相关的问题都可以咨询我。
Hello! I am Japanese nurse and also I worked as a New York Nurse before. I have both nurse licenses. I am good at supporting Endoscope. <Experiences> Gastroenterological surgery, orthopedics, care before and after gynecological surgery, respiratory (ventilator management), internal medicine, pediatrics, cardiovascular medicine, endocrinology outpatient, renal urology, care for dementia patients, Care for patients with infectious diseases such as HIV, MRSA, tuberculosis こんにちは。モモと申します。 私はニューヨー