How are things with you?
The number of corona virus cases reported in Japan has fallen below 100 for the past few days but the government says it may lift the measure in some prefectures around May 14.
What we can do is “STAY AT HOME” but we need to go outside of home sometimes.
The Prevention of Infection is important to every one of us.
I believe you know how to wash your hands and gurgle. Additionally, wearing a mask is one of the good tool too!
Where to buy Surgical Masks in Japan?
We have been working on how to sock the masks for those who needs mask.
We ‘’Aroma Nursing Care’ provides masks. Here is the website below.
We have masks we nurses choose.
Next, We will guide you how to protect yourself from the virus.
#医療通訳おすすめ #医療通訳東京 #医療通訳東京23区 #24時間看護東京 #不妊治療東京 #医療通訳看護師派遣 #医療通訳 #医療翻訳 #看護師による医療通訳 #24時間自費看護サービス #通院時付き添い #旅行付き添い #一時帰宅看護 #在宅介護 #訪問看護 #外国人看護 #健康相談 #不妊治療
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東京都中央区銀座7-13-6 2階
TEL : 03-4400-2866
E-mail :

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Aroma Nursing Care Co., Ltd. 2F 7-13-6, Ginza, Cyuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061 TEL: +81-3-4400-2866 *Please refrain from making inquiries by telephone about the mask.
Business hours: weekday 9am-5pm
[NEW!]Medilator by doctor and nurse
Thank you *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*